They Greek Catholic Caritas in Hungary took warm soup fir the homeless people in Nyíregyháza EPARCHIAL
They take gift for the children ansd old people in need in Transcatpathia and in Hungary as well EPARCHIAL
With open eyes and open hearts, the Charity is calling for donations - the "Open your heart!" Advent fundraising programme OTHER NEWS
The Catholic Charity has joined the Forum of Catholic Social and Child Protection Providers and Service Providers OTHER NEWS
Bsisihd Charity sets up a disaster base and releases ten million forints in emergency flood aid OTHER NEWS
Plants can be planted in their gardens of families in need with help of the Caritas Hungarica EPARCHIAL
Caritas sends five million forints in emergency aid to the flood and storm-hit western part of Hungary OTHER NEWS
Charity helps three thousand families to grow vegetables - The national Greening Gardens programme has been launched OTHER NEWS
"We are moving away from the day the war broke out, but we cannot move away from the people" OTHER NEWS